Thursday, June 17, 2010

Emily is 5!!

Hey y'all! It's been a very busy week! We've had VBS this week and we are all pretty wiped out! But it was fun. The best part about this week was that my baby girl, Emily, turned 5! We are going to celebrate her birthday on Saturday with our friend and family, but on her actual birth "day", we HAD to do something special.
We called Tessa and Robin and asked if they wanted to go to the Cultural Arts Center downtown. They have an imaginary town where the girls can dress up and play, but before we went there, we had a stop to make.
I know it sounds weird for me to take Emily to my former place of employment as part of her birthday celebration, but you just have to know the story. Some people revel in their pregnancies. They have a glow about them and they just can't stop smiling and talking about the blessed day that their little one will come into this world. I did that, but it wasn't always very sweet (to put it mildly). To be honest I was a downright nightmare!!! I was sick at first. I don't think I slept for nine whole months. I worried everyday that something was wrong. My blood sugar was out of whack. Labor and being a mother I'm good at, but not pregnancy. Just like Chris and my mother, these sweet people took the brunt of my "craziness"! They put up with me when I know they wanted to strangle me! I think the day I told them that I wouldn't be coming back after Emily was born, they all did an "Oh Happy Day" dance right in the office!
But what's amazing is that as soon as Emily was born, I didn't feel crazy any more. I saw that she was perfect, and all was well. So I will always feel that I owe them a debt of gratitude because they didn't fire me (ha ha) and loved me anyway. These people are like my family and I would do anything for them.
They were sweet enough to give Emily a card and some money for her birthday. They wanted to pin the money on her, but she wasn't having any of that! Later that day we went to WalMart and she bought a movie and some bubble bath. Thanks again y'all. We love you!

Emily and Bon Bon
My coworkers breathed a sigh of relief when I got pregnant with Gracie and I wasn't working there anymore. Pregnancy was much easier the second time around.

We met Tessa and Robin around 10 and the girls played for 2 hours! There was so much to do, so it went by pretty fast!

They had a construction area.

Kitchen area

Dress up area

The kitchen had the menu on the wall. Very cute!

A bank.

A grocery store. And Gracie personally licked every piece of fruit they had! Yuck....I know, but she wouldn't stop. I tried to get her mind off of it, but I didn't have any luck.

Gracie loves a computer, but when she realized that it didn't work, she got over it real fast.

A doctors office

A fun time was had by all! We will definitely go back soon.

I tried to get Emily's picture holding up 5 fingers. Oh well, maybe I'll get a better one when she turns 6.


  1. What a great post and such a fun birthday place to play!!

    Funny about your workplace. I always feel so bad for people who are that sick during their pregnancy! UGH!

    Your girls sure are precious!

  2. What a fun place to visit for a little birthday celebration. I am sure she will have a wonderful party tomorrow.
