Monday, August 10, 2009

Weekend Recap

Well, it's time for my weekend recap. Not much went on around here, but there were some highlights!! I got to hangout with some new friends, I slept all night for the first time in 3 weeks and I found a piece of furniture for my kitchen. Sounds like a wild and woolly weekend, right?

Friday Night-Girls Night Out!!
Around Thursday, my friend Ashley called and asked if I wanted to grab some dinner on Friday with her and a few girls. Having been in the house for most of the week, I was all over it!! Ashley is really special to me. Having moved into our house a year ago, I didn't know anyone in our new town. Emily started "school" at a local church where she only went 3 days a week. Ashley is the mom of one of the girls in Emily's class, and reached out to me like she has known me forever. When your "new" somewhere, it's always nice to see a friendly face, and for me, that face was Ashley. Through her, I have met Amy and Brandy. All our girls are around the same age and I look forward to many play dates and more Girls Nights in the future.
We decided on a local Mexican restaurant, Villa Fiesta. I love eating there, but it's one of those places that when you leave, you smell like food. Stink would really be a better word, but the food is so good that it was worth it. I must say, the service was not that great. We got there around 6:15 and didn't leave until around 9:30, and most of that time was waiting on our waitress. But time flew by with all the talking a laughing we did!!
This is Ashely and Brandy.

This is Amy and me!!! (or should that be "I"? Boy, my English teacher is shaking her head right now! Sorry Mrs. Kelley)

Okay, how many times have you stopped and asked someone to take your picture? Too many to count, right? Well, have you ever had anyone say "No"? Well, we did!!! We were leaving and Ashley suggested we get a group shot. We walked up and asked this guy to take our picture and he said "No"!!! That had never really happened to me before, and I thought he was kidding. But no my friend, he wasn't!!! Seriously, that has got to be un-American or something, Anyway, we moved onto the next person. Thanks, nice girl for taking our picture!!!

Saturday-Yard Sale and Just Plan Lazy Day
Saturday morning, my neighbor and I woke up and went to a yard sale down the road form our house. It is a VERY nice neighborhood, and to me the rule is, the nicer the neighborhood, the better the junk. HAHA! But not in this case. They had some nice things, but nothing a really needed. I did find me a piece of furniture for my kitchen. I have been looking for awhile for something to fit into a certain space. I had picked something out at a furniture store, but I wanted to give myself the summer to see if I could find anything that was cheap that I could paint. I saw this and loved it! It's actually a dresser without the mirrors and it has a TON of storage. My goal is to spray it black and find some new knobs. I got it for $40. That may sound like a lot, but the piece I was looking at was $800 dollars. That's a pretty good savings right? Stay tuned to see what it looks like. Hopefully it will look less like bamboo the next time you see it!!

After the yard sale we went to eat at McDonald's with the girls and then came home for a rest. Emily hasn't been feeling great, so she rested most of the day. Gracie decided to show off some walking skills. She's not walking by herself, but she pushed a baby stroller all they way down the hall with me holding the front of it. Walking by herself is just around the corner!!!

Sunday-Church, a Baby Shower and a Bible Study
As usual, Sunday mornings are very busy trying to get everyone ready for church. As you can see, Gracie didn't wake up in the best of moods. It could have been because her hair looked so bad!!!

After church, we went to my in-laws for pizza. We had a baby shower around 2, so there was no point in driving all they way back home, which is 30 minutes away. Maggie and I went to get the pizza and the girls played while we waited to go to the shower.

Gracie and Sophie Clare look like they are trying to break out!!!

At the shower, we had good food and fellowship. Cassy and Dustin are having a little boy to join big sister Jaylen. They are going to name him Easton, which I love!!!! Sounds like a good strong name doesn't it? She is due very soon wish her an easy delivery and speedy recovery!!

At church last night, we started a new bible study. You could choose from two and I chose "Fireproof Your Marriage". Chris was going to do it with me of course, but yesterday morning our pastor asked him if he would lead the other bible study because someone had backed out at the last minute. Chris is still going to do the study part of Fireproof with me, but he won't be in the class with me on Sunday. I'm pretty excited to start it. If any of you have done this particular bible study, let me know what you think about it.
I'm not real sure what today will bring. Emily coughed ALL night and it seems to be getting worse, so we may head to doctor. I've got one week before she heads of to"school". She's got to be better quick!!!
I hope you all have a great Monday!!! XOXO

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