Sunday, August 1, 2010

A Coloring House, Brownies and a Birthday Party

I hope this Sunday finds all of you happy and well. So far my whole family is both. Gracie is sleeping, Emily is resting, I'm blogging, and Chis is fishing. And I hope he's not getting wet because I can hear a thunderstorm off in the distance.
Pardon the blogging break. Once again I'm having computer troubles. Chris thinks I should test computers for a living because I can sure reek havoc on one. I have been using Blogger in Draft so that my pictures would be big, but now it won't let me upload my pictures. It asked me something about my cookies (the only "cookies" I know about are the kind that you eat!), so I'm back to the old blogger with smaller pictures.
Not much has been going on around here. Just getting school supplies and relaxing. In one week I will be the parent of a school age child. Not looking forward to it, but it's coming none the less, and despite the sadness I feel, I've made my mind up not to cry. (guess we'll see how long that lasts).
Here are just a few snapshots of what we've been up to this week. We are the proud owners of a coloring house (thanks to Aunt Maggie) and the girls have loved it!

We've made some brownies, but Emily likes licking the bowl the best.

And we've celebrated my Daddy's Birthday.

I hope you had a great day Daddy.

May you all have a great Monday!

1 comment:

  1. Your so sweet! I guess you could say I am shrinking! :) I have been working out almost everyday, learning to "run" and eating really good. Trying to stay away from processed foods! So hard to do! I am "maintaining" right now, but plan to get back to loose 10 more pounds after we get back to a routine when the girls start back school! :) thanks for the compliment!
